Burnley - St Andrews Cricket Field
Bassett Street : BB10 3ET
The St Andrews cricket team originated was formed around 1877 and became the Cricket and Bowling club in 1888. Its members originally came from the local conservative club and the church.

St Andrews cricket field was probably used for only one sports event that included bicycle racing but is included because the unusual event was held by the PSA, the Pleasant Sunday Afternoon movement.*

The 3rd annual Ebenezer PSA sports was held on July 5th 1902 at St Andrew's cricket field. The bicycle events were a one mile (members) and a one mile open race. The other events were running races; 100 yards youths, women and men, 440 yards and an 80 yards buffers race. There was also a sack race and a girls skipping contest.

The cricket club survived until 1935, when it was taken over by the corporation. The original cricket field still exists as a piece of open space. The bowling club still exists and is located in newer premises on Abinger Street.

* The PSA movement was a determined attempt to win men over to Nonconformist churches. The movement was started by John Blackham, a draper and deacon of the Ebenezer Congregational church, Hilltop, West Bromwich, in 1875. PSA meetings were generally held on Sunday afternoons and they revolved around bible study and prayers. Meetings were meant to be relatively brief (up to 45 minutes), interesting, not over-educational nor boring, and friendly - the three B's - Brief, Bright and Brotherly. The PSA meetings were not connected with the churches but did pay rent for the use of their premises. The churches were in agreement with the PSA and also gave their material support to help defray PSA expenses through the loan of bibles and seating. There were no regular subscriptions but members could make anonymous donations towards the high running costs the PSA. Members of the PSA were known as "Brothers".

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